Standards Currently in Process

APSO is currently working with subject matter experts across the profession on the following standards. Be sure to check back periodically or join our distribution list for announcements about proposed standards open for comment.

The following standards are currently in INITIAL DRAFT:

S3.2 Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation for Pediatric Patients
A standard for the tasks and processes audiologists use to diagnose hearing changes in children.

S5.1 Tinnitus Management
A standard for audiological management of patients with tinnitus

The following standards are currently in WIDESPREAD PROFESSIONAL REVIEW:

S4.1 Cerumen Management
This standard describes the processes utilized by audiologists for management and removal of cerumen.
Comment period ends December 22, 2024
The full proposed standard is below. Please complete the fields that follow to provide us with your comments. Thank you for helping to develop this standard!

Download a the full standard (with references)

  1. Cerumen, or earwax, is a secretion of glands that cleans, protects, and lubricates the external auditory canal. Cerumen is typically expelled from the ear by a self-cleaning mechanism, although sometimes cerumen becomes impacted. Cerumen impaction is defined as an accumulation of cerumen that causes symptoms or prevents assessment of the ear canal, tympanic membrane, or audiovestibular system. Complete obstruction is not required.
  2. A thorough audiological and otological patient history is performed to include previous and current medical conditions, prescription medications & OTC supplements, comorbidities, sound sensitivity, and prior experience with cerumen removal.
  3. Visual inspection of the outer ear, ear canal, and tympanic membrane is performed. The audiologist assesses the presence of cerumen and the amount, location, consistency, and color to determine the need for, and method of, removal.
  4. The audiologist evaluates any contraindications and determines whether cerumen may be safely removed. Need for medical referral is provided when appropriate.
  5. Universal precautions and infection control measures are used to prevent transmission of blood-borne pathogens and other potential inf ectious agents.
  6. Cerumen may be removed via mechanical, irrigation, and/or suction methods as determined safe and effective by the audiologist.
  7. Cerumenolytics may be used in the management of cerumen impaction.
  8. Following removal, visual inspection is performed to assess status of the ear canal and tympanic membrane.
  9. Patients are counseled regarding follow-up care and ear hygiene.
  10. Written documentation of decisions, procedures and outcomes is maintained as part of the patient record.

Please provide evidence-based feedback whenever possible. Comments are scored for quality of statements when reviewing them for final edits to the standard.

Your contact information is confidential. Names are used only by APSO staff to validate comments or follow-up when necessary.
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I am a U.S. audiologist


The following standards are currently in REVIEW FOR UPDATING:

S1.1 General Audiology Intake Standards
This standard addresses processes that should be used and information that should be gathered during the intake process. From a new patient's first contact to performing the initial examination, the intake standard ensures that audiologist are follow

Other Standards Information

Published Standards
APSO publishes all standards without restriction so they are available to all audiologists. Visit our published standards page to view our approved standards. more

Proposed Standards
All standards are opened to the the profession for comment. Watch our proposed standards page for new standards that are planned for development. visit